SLRHS National Honor Society By-Laws
Membership is open to Juniors and Seniors and is based on the four pillars of the National Honor Society:

All candidates must have a cumulative weighted grade point average of at least 4.0 on our 5.3 scale in order to be eligible. Invitations are sent out for each school year to juniors and seniors who meet the GPA requirement.

To fulfill the service requirement a candidate should demonstrate on a consistent basis maturity, sensitivity, high ethical/moral values, good sportsmanship (if appropriate), and above all--honesty in all situations. Each candidate should be a role model for other students in their daily conduct and attitude.

To have fulfilled the service requirement, a student should have participated in some activity or organization (on a volunteer basis) which promotes the idea of improving the quality of life for others or giving of one's time and energy to help one's fellow man on three different projects involving substantial time totaling 20 hours since the start of freshman year.

To have exhibited leadership, students must have demonstrated that they have been elected to some position of authority in a club, organization and/or activity; or have demonstrated that they have taken the initiative to lead others, to direct an activity or program, to innovate some idea or concept either in school or with the community since the start of the freshman year.

Tutoring Information: Tutoring is available on Mondays and Thursdays afterschool in the High School Library and in the Middle School Library. High School tutoring is from 2 - 2:30. Mondays English and History are the focus and Thursday Math and Science. If you are interested in tutoring in a different subject, please reach out to Mrs. Mathias. Tutoring at the Middle School is from 2:10 - 3 and focuses on all subject areas. For more information on Middle School tutoring, reach out to Mrs. Casey at the Middle School.

Links: NHS Members: please visit the Google Classroom for current happenings.

NHS Officers 2024 - 2025:
President: Alex McNeil
Vice President: Will Hinkley
Secretary: Karissa Smith
Treasurer: Gus Nappellio
Individual Service Project Coordinators: Taylor Knupp and Hannah Selig
Group Service Project Coordinators: Wes Griffin and Joey LaFond
Tutoring Coordinators: Claire Kelleher and Madison McLeod

NHS Faculty Advisor:
Carrie Mathias

NHS Faculty Council:
Laura Olsen
Dara Poulten
Stephanie Ricci
Kristin Shoaf
John Towner