Welcome to Kingston Elementary School! KES is a public school in Kingston, MA serving our Silver Lake Regional Preschool Program and Kingston residents Kindergarten through Second Grade. We aspire to create a community where everyone belongs and staff and students encourage one another to grow, learn, achieve-- and dream-- without limit.
Dr. Kerri Whipple
Kingston Elementary School
150 Main Street, Kingston MA 02364
Email: Kerriwhipple@slrsd.org
Phone: (508) 781-585-3821
Mr. Jake Galewski
Assistant Principal
Kingston Elementary School
150 Main Street, Kingston MA 02364
Email: Jakegalewski@slrsd.org
Phone: (508) 781-585-3821
Melissa Navega, Secretary
Phone: (508) 781-585-3821
Email: Melissanavega@slrsd.org